Yesterday, I got some office work done, then decided it looked decent enough outside that I would go for a bike ride. The snow has gone and the sun is up there behind the clouds. Its about 3 degrees Celsius and there's a light wind blowing from the south.
Took me a little while to round up all the gear. Dust off the bike, check the air pressure in the tires, dust off the bike helmet, find the cold weather beanie to wear under the bike helmet, get the GPS, check the batteries, mount the GPS on the bike, get the camera, get the cell phone, make sure its charged up, get the bike lock in case I have to stop somewhere, get the wallet, make sure I've got a spare tire tube, air pump and tools, get some water in the water bottle, get out the bike shorts, bike pants, poly undershirt, bike jersey, and bike rain/wind jacket, and get all this gear on!
Whew, I thought I was just going for a bike ride, seems more like some major expedition. I think I'm ready to go.
Oops, one more thing, kiss the wife. That's the good part. Then listen to the lecture about being careful and not doing too much the first time out, etc, etc. I kind of tuned out the rest.
Finally got underway, planning to ride south across our small town of Summerland, BC and hook up with part of the Trans Canada Trail system. the pavement was up and down for the first 10 km. until I got to the trail. Seemed like lots of slow ups and quick downs.
Anyway, finally got to the trail and took a break because I could no longer feel my hands and butt and my heart had been working hard just to get this far. Okay, now on the trail and it was really enjoyable. Nobody out there but one idiot riding a bike (me). I had better be careful, cause now I'm in the middle of nowhere. I think of my wife and wish she was here to share the cold and pain and great views of the Okanagan Lake.
Must press on, but when you start to see Penticton from the trail, now there is a strong head wind. With me all sweaty already this is now getting cold and with the headwind more like going uphill. Now the pedalling is harder, I am more tired and cold and must stop again to get rid of the numb bum and tingling hands. Boy this is fun!
My bike does its job with no complaints.
There are some nice look out spots and and interesting trails leading off the main trail. Will have to come back some time with the ATV's and give this whole area a good scouting.
Here is an "arms length" self portrait.
Back in the saddle again and pushing on to Penticton. I start to think the fun has gone out of this but then finally the end is near and I can hook up with pavement again and mostly coast back down to the highway. GPS tells me I did about 12 km. on the trail.
A quick text message to the wife and she heads out with the truck to pick me up. I am way too tired to bike back home again.
The body is sore but the mind is enjoying the feeling of accomplishment. If you have every climbed a mountain and stood on the very top to survey your surroundings, you know the feeling.