Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Predict the Weather

Would you like to predict the weather ?

You don't need a climatology degree to predict the weather, all you need is the following list of proverbs that has been passed down for centuries. These are more that "old wives tales", they may even be better than your local weather forecaster.

The people who came up with these proverbs were in touch with their surroundings and changes in the natural environment. Their livelihoods were likely dependant upon accurately predicting the weather. They were farmers, shepherds, and sailors who only had themselves to rely on.

The top twelve weather proverbs are :

1. Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor take warning.

2. A ring around the sun or moon, means rain before the night.

3. When grass is dry at morning light, look for rain before the night.

4. Rain before seven, fine before eleven.

5. Sea gull, sea gull, sit on the sand, it's never good weather while you're on the land.

6. When stars shine clean and bright, we will have a very cold night.

7. A rainbow in morning, is the shepherd's warning. A rainbow at night is the shepherd's delight.

8. When clouds appear like rocks and towers, the Earth's refreshed by frequent showers.

9. When the wind is in the east, it's neither good for man nor beast.

10. The higher the clouds, the better the weather.

11. Dew on the grass, rain won't come to pass.

12. When campfire smoke descends, our nice weather ends.

So the next time you are out in the outdoors, maybe you can predict the weather !

Today's Weather : Low 2.6, High 7.6, overcast all day with just a few sprinkles early in the morning.

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